Clear Creek and Select Tributaries, Washington County, Arkansas
Watershed Conservation Resource Center (WCRC) conducted an inventory of the riparian and streambank conditions for 20 miles of Clear Creek and select tributaries. The inventory included the entire main stem of Clear Creek and the tributaries above Lake Fayetteville dam and the Skull Creek tributary. WCRC prioritized unstable sites for restoration and provided as
sessment results to the effected cities. WCRC formed a project team with partners after the project was initiated. Those organizations are as follows:
- Watershed Conservation Resource Center (WCRC)
- City of Fayetteville
- City of Springdale
- Natural Resources Conservation Service – NRCS Washington County Office
- Illinois River Watershed Partnership (IRWP)
- University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service (UACES)
- City of Johnson
- City of Tontitown
After the assessment was completed, the WCRC presented the results to project partners. The data and information assembled from this project can be used by Cities, government agencies, non-governmental organizations, and other natural resource management groups. Specifically, the data and information is useful for local planning to:
- Select future project sites to reduce sediment, phosphorus, and nitrogen within the Illinois River Watershed.
- Be considered by the cities of Fayetteville, Springdale, Tontitown, & Johnson to evaluate proposed development that could potentially impact streams, wetlands, and springs and select stream restoration sites where infrastructure is threatened
- Provide information on unique areas that could potentially be protected, such as, wet prairies, wetlands, rare plant habitat, rare aquatic species habitat, and stable sections of stream.